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Re: Updates to the aer201/ shared directory

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 11:22:57PM -0500, Tim Vanderhoek wrote:
> Ok.  I'll try and track down a working telnet client for Windows,
> hopefully one in colour, too.

Okay, that was pretty easy...   :-)

I found a ssh/telnet client called "Putty" that looks half-decent.
It's a _lot_ smaller than the ssh32 one recommended by ~engclub.  It's
missing a couple nice features like on-the-fly compression and it
doesn't support private-key challenge-based authentication (which you
probably aren't using anyways, but you really should be using, since
that's the whole _point_ of ssh...).  I tried to compare it in actual
use to the ssh32 client, but the ssh32 client crashed ("Ssh32 has
performed an illegal instruction") when I started mutt.  I guess that
counts as a comparison...

Anyways, other than those fairly minor points, the client seems to
work nicely, and it is very simple to use.

[reviewing the source for any obvious trojan horses....apparently the
 British not only have the term "sod", but also phrases such as "the
 sodding terminal"  :-]

Before proceeding: if you want to try this terminal program, run the
following command at the "skule.ecf%" prompt:

echo "setenv TERMINFO /u/0T2/vanderh/terminfo" >> ~/.mylogin

[Back to Windows]

Go to


After that, download the putty.exe program, place it somewhere, and run
it.  When I ran it, I had to do the following things:

  Under "connection", set Host to "skule.ecf.toronto.edu"
                      set type to "ssh"
  Under "keyboard", set backspace as Ctrl-H
  Under "ssh", set terminal-type to "xterm-color".  I did the same
    thing under "telnet", too.
  Under "terminal", choose "Use font in OEM mode only"
  Also under "terminal", I chose a bigger font (11 points), but maybe
    that's just due to my small monitor.  I also moved "Rows" up to 32
    and "Lines" up to 100.  You may have different preferences.
  Back under "connection", type "skule" into the appropriate back and
    click on the Save button.

Most of this is pretty obvious...  :-)

Then choose "Open".

After loggin in, go run mutt (by typing "aer201/readmail") and read this
message (or any one of the mails entitled "webpages") in mutt.  Then
press the "Ctrl-B" key and tell me what happens.  :-)

Signature withheld by request of author.