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Re: Thursday, Jan 27

Sigh.  I guess I'm officially behind.  I've been to several hobby stores
and they don't seem to have what I'm looking for in terms of gears.  One
store recommended that I visit this science store across from Yorkdale
Centre.  I've been there before and it may be promising (I'm crossing my
fingers).  However, I won't be able to visit it until Saturday.

If Malone really wants a wheel attached to a motor, I can do it by
tomorrow I suppose.  However, it is pointless since it won't have the
necessary gears.

So, ignoring what he thinks, tomorrow, I'll likely work on the interface
rack as planned and I'm still contemplating whether to bring in the sheet
metal to start the bumpers.  This is unlikely just because I don't want to
start chopping that sheet of metal up until I'm pretty sure with all the
gear box dimensions and what the lower level will total in height.