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Monitor Email Closely

     I know many students in the class are eager to find out the
results of their last term.  This week, likely Thursday or Friday, 
will be when students will find out.  Directly following that, group 
reassignments, as a result of transfers, will be made.   One student 
has already informed me they have withdrawn so there will certainly 
be some re-assignment (opportunity?) even if there are no further 
departures.  There may be as many as 8 departures (effecting 1 in 6
groups in the class) if a number of people all excersize this 
option.  There is no group with two such people.  This is all 
I can say at this time.    

    I am writing to ask everyone to monitor their e-mail closely
this week, and come to school every day so you may be alerted to 
group re-assignments.  For those who think they might have 
something to worry about with marks, please check e-mail more 
frequently, and be available to be called to the Engineering 
Science Office.  If you are called to the office, Mr. Edghill will 
counsel you on your options --- remember for the vast majority 
of those called, staying is an option.  Please see your group
if any changes are necessary (at least e-mail them).  Please e-mail
with your decision --- either way --- so I will know which groups 
must be reorganized.  I will be e-mailing out group re-assignments, 
hence, everyone monitor e-mail closely.  

     Following their meeting with Mr. Edghill, if any student wishes 
to speak to an EngSci grad, I will be available to them every day 
this week, including Friday, except during my class: 1-4pm. 

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M.J. Malone,  Assistant Professor
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
4925 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario, M3H 5T6
Email Address: malone@aerospace.utoronto.ca     **** Email is best!
UTIAS Office: rm 183, phone: (416) 667-7942
Downtown Off: SF4003, phone: (416) 978-3130  Fax: (416) 667-7799
http://www.aerospace.utoronto.ca   http://www.utias.utoronto.ca