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Dalton McGuinty

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October 03, 2003

Ontarians have chosen change

A message from Dalton McGuinty.

You have chosen a change in government, but they have chosen an even more profound change.

You have chosen a message of hope and the politics of inclusion.

You have chosen a plan that’s ambitious for our province, and will deliver real, positive change for Ontarians.

For all of these reasons, I am proud of our campaign, but even proud of Ontarians for the way they have responded to it.

I say to the people of Ontario: thank you for choosing change.

We will work hard to deliver the positive changes you want, in our schools, our hospitals, our communities.

I wish to thank my wife, Terri, my children, Carleen, Dalton Jr. Liam and Connor, and my mother, Elizabeth.

Thanks to Greg Sorbara, our party president, the executive of the Ontario Liberal Party, the members of the Ontario Liberal Party, and our campaign team.

To Ernie Eves, I offer my congratulations his 22 years of public service. Terri and I also extend our warmest wishes to Isabel and Nathalie.

To Howard Hampton, I offer my congratulations, and our best goes to his wife Shelley, and their children Sarah and Johathan.

To candidates of other parties, and independent candidates: congratulations on making our democracy stronger by putting your names forward.

To Ontario Liberals who stood for public office tonight and were not successful this time, I offer our party’s deepest gratitude. You have much to be proud of.

Finally, I wish to congratulate the men and women of all parties who have earned the privilege of serving their communities and their province in the Legislature.

To members of what will soon be an Ontario Liberal government: We have a lot of work to do. Achieving real, positive change won’t be easy. It won’t happen overnight, and it’s going to take time and a lot of hard work.

But we will succeed as long as we remember that our victory belongs to the people. This government belongs to the people, and we have been elected to serve the people.

There is no room in their government for arrogance or complacency.

I am humbled by tonight’s result, but ambitious for our province. The people have chosen change, and we can and will deliver that change.

We can and we will do it, and I promise you this: no one will work harder to build an Ontario that’s the envy of the world, than I will.

Thank you.


» What is a blog?

Well, it’s been quite a ride.

Thanks for sharing it with me and Terri.

This is my last blog of the campaign.

Under the province’s election rules, this web site can’t be updated from Tuesday evening at midnight until when the polls close.

How can I put this experience into words?

Let me try some: Inspiring. Exciting. Uplifting. Humbling. Incredible. Wonderful.

It’s inspiring to travel a province as vast and beautiful as this one, to meet so many wonderful people, and shake so many outstretched hands. It’s a privilege to run for premier, and I’ve enjoyed every minute.

Excellent public education

Clean, safe communities

Our plan for economic growth

The health care we need

Strengthening democracy

Opportunity for Everyone

Multilingual summaries of the Ontario Liberal Plan for change
(Adobe PDF Format)
Chinese | Greek | Hindi | Italian |Polish | Portuguese | Punjabi | Spanish | Tamil

Did you know that despite sustained economic growth, the Harris-Eves government added over $21 billion to the provincial debt. Our accumulated debt is now over $110 billion. » More