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Fluids Anouncement, Design Questions

     Prof Sullivan announced in class:

Tomorrows 8-9am lecture (Friday March 24th) is cancelled and a make 
up lecture will be scheduled later.


There were some very good design questions in the last week --- ones
that will make the difference between projects working and not ---
that I had asked the students to ask me in the lecture --- NONE DID!

Please respond to this e-mail with questions, make it soon so I
can mail out (or post on the design web) the answers.


Sensor Noise

One student asked about motor noise influencing their sensors. (TAG)
They seemed unable to make the motors not trigger the sensors.
The student asked if it is a viable solution to stop to take sensor

First answer is, if you think you have a solution, use it;  take the
shortest route to success here.  This is not the time to take everything
apart again if there is an easy software fix.

In this particular case, the answer is yes, stop to sample sensors 
if you need less noise.  If the cause is audible sound noise, remember, the
crowd will not be quiet for you so don't bother asking.  There is also
no requirement that the other robot be extraordinarily quiet either
though intentional attempts are classed as spoilers.

6502 and HC11:

If you are having problems with the computer crashing, look at page 134
and the Watchdog circuit.  See also the code monitor.asm for examples of
how to code the software half of a watchdog-crash proofed computer
system.  Even if you are using HC11, the code will provide a useful

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M.J. Malone,  Assistant Professor
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
4925 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario, M3H 5T6
Email Address: malone@aerospace.utoronto.ca     **** Email is best!
UTIAS Office: rm 183, phone: (416) 667-7942
Downtown Off: SF4003, phone: (416) 978-3130  Fax: (416) 667-7799
http://www.aerospace.utoronto.ca   http://www.utias.utoronto.ca